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Feng Shui Basics





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Feng Shui Basics(圖1)-速報App

Feng Shui is a Chinese art which is based on the belief that the way you arrange things in a building or in a room within that building can affect the way you live, happy or sad. Moreover, according to the belief, the way your house is built or the way you live can affect your success, health, and happiness.

The essence/origin of Feng Shui basics

Feng Shui means wind (Feng) and water (Shui). It was experimentally developed over a thousand years ago to try and bring physical balance in the environments, promote harmony and instill a sense of wellbeing all that were geared at improving every aspect of once life, from health, career, wealth and relationships.

It pegs its goal in harmonizing and aligning invisible energy forces just like in Reiki, the energy that binds the universe, earth and humanity together otherwise called qi (chi).

Feng Shui Basics(圖2)-速報App

It was initially used as one of the five Chinese metaphysical arts that aligned buildings, structures, and spaces with influence from heavenly time and earthly space. Today the concept is used in arranging objects within a given environment to create not only good qi but also balance and harmony.

Crucial technique in Feng Shui

Feng Shui basics use certain techniques such as colors, numbers, symbol, and textures. It identifies spaces which are distorted and adjusts the energy flow to promote harmony, abundance, and happiness.

It grew from two different but authentic schools of thought, the Form school, and the Compass school. Form school analyzes the shape of the environment, the land, the flow of wind and the flow of water for purposes of finding a place with an ideal qi.

Feng Shui Basics(圖3)-速報App

On the other hand, the Compass school is based on the eight cardinal directions each having a unique qi. It uses a special disc, called Luo Pan that has formulas with concentric rings around a magnet. This compass refers to the union of heaven and earth, more so the electromagnetic field that holds it all together.

The Compass school Feng shui is majorly used in architecture before beginning the actual constructions

It works on three main principles, the qi, the natural elements, and the Bagua. The qi energy is always moving and changing with a goal of keeping qi flowing gently throughout the environment. However, if its flow is blocked it has an adverse effect on the environment. The natural elements used include fire, earth, metal, air, space, and wood. They are all defined by their characteristics of shape, texture color and a set of attributes. All these elements are balanced in Feng Shui to create positive energy.

The last principle used is the Bagua. It maps out energy centers in the hope of determining where to place objects that represents a person’s life journey and matching it with corresponding energy elements. Bagua is a powerful tool that can help show and channel a person’s dreams and goals. This is because of the energy centers that correspond to specific areas on once life and can be strengthened and improved to make one succeed.

Feng Shui Basics(圖4)-速報App

Here is a Preview of What You'll Learn:

• What Is Feng Shui?

• Types of Feng Shui

• Basic Principles of Feng Shui

Feng Shui Basics(圖5)-速報App

• Basics for Creating A Calm,

• Comfortable Environment

• Directions

• Colors

Feng Shui Basics(圖6)-速報App

• Items

• And more Feng Shui Basics

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